Legal and Vocational Support Centre for the refugees from Ukraine

After the initial shock that comes with the trauma of fleeing a war-torn country, once you have a roof over your head, something to wear and eat, once you know, your children are safe, the questions arise: what do I do next? How do I support myself? Where to work? Will I be able to return to my learned profession? The role of our Centre is to provide answers to all these questions.

Alla Maievska

Director of the Centre

Thanks to the excellent location of the Legal and Vocational Support Centre, in the “Union Square” commercial building located near the Ukrainian Embassy and the Foreigners’ Office, it is visited by dozens of people every day. We provide them with free advice on:

  • legalisation of stay in Poland;
  • labour law;
  • family law;
  • social assistance;
  • consultation on employment and setting up a business.

    What’s of crucial importance here, the team of advisors is made up of qualified female lawyers from Ukraine who fled the war themselves. As part of our project, they have received training in Polish law and in working with people who may suffer from PTSD. 

    They look at each case individually and try to find the best possible solution. They help sort out legal issues related to their stay in Poland and encourage professional activation. They advise on what to pay attention to when signing a contract, how to write a CV for a Polish employer, how to nostrify your diploma, or how to start a business. All this is done so that Ukrainian professionals can find a job in line with  their qualifications as quickly as possible.

    The centre is equipped with computers, printers and scanners that visitors can use themselves. As most visitors are women who are alone in Poland with their children, a play area has been set up for their children.

    The Legal and Vocational Information Centre for Ukrainian citizens in Warsaw operates from Tuesday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mondays are dedicated to specialized workshops, courses and networking meetings, for which prior registration is required.

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